Monday, May 25, 2009

All till now

Day Forty Seven:
091. Dance more

Went to a bulgarian disco on friday night. It was really cool and the drummer of the live band was really cute

Day Thirty Eight:
039. Take my vitamins everyday
So I have been absolutely failing at this. I got sick and it ruined my plans.
I am going to go take them right now

Tata for now

Day Thirty:
006. Get two more tattoos (1/2)
Today I got another tattoo!

040. Clear up my face and keep it clear
I cannot believe how much my face has been clearing up its amazing

071. Have one day a month without complaining (0/33)
I am going to try to do this tomorrow, since it is the last day of the month. It might be a little hard since I am sick :(

Day Twenty Five:
I have been super busy with school.

005. Floss my teeth once a week or more (3/143)

006. Get two more tattoos (0/2)
I have an appointment on friday

013. Have an organized daily planner
So far so good

019. Take better notes in school

009. Learn Japanese
my japanese textbooks

056. Wear lipstick at least once a week (3/143)

005. Floss my teeth once a week or more (3/143)

Day Nineteen:
005. Floss my teeth once a week or more (3/143)

006. Get two more tattoos (0/2)
I am going on saturday to get a deer that I drew put on my writs at Venus Tattoos so I shall consider this in progress

019. Take better notes in school
Classes start tomorrow! So this will be put to the test in Lit Hum and Principles

021. Read (at least) one book a month for pleasure (1/33)
I read two this month, The Book Thief, and Wizards Grove. Check out,

056. Wear lipstick at least once a week (3/143)
I wore my apricot shimmery lipstick today.

053. Become more comfortable wearing high heels
Wore heels today for a Wine and Cheese party that my roommate and I hosted as a back to school thing. I felt fine the whole time, granted I was sitting down for most of it.

Next post I will have pictures again! Promise!

Day Thirteen:
013. Have an organized daily planner

I can't wait to get to school and actually use it! But for now I put in a Spring Schedule, list of my classes, rooms, and times.

032. Clean out junk from the house that I don't use/need anymore

I think I will do this one today, I'm going to take my laptop into the bathroom and watch a movie whilst cleaning out my crap from next to the tub. I want to do something cleaning wise before I go back to school. During spring break I will partake in spring cleaning :)

036. Write more letters

Wrote Grandma a letter yesterday. But I usually write her so this is nothing extraordinary

040. Clear up my face and keep it clear

I think my face is clearing up but sometimes I can't tell

056. Wear lipstick at least once a week (2/143)
005. Floss my teeth once a week or more (2/143)

Nuff Said

091. Dance more

Went to African Dance again last night with my mom. I got a blister on the bottom of my toe D: But it was still a lot of fun!

Day Ten:
There hasn't been much going on

046. Don't buy things that I can make

I'm making a necklace out of polymer clay that I saw in an urban outfitters catalogue

I've also been doing some signing
I think I'm going to have to end up buying a book thats not for kids :D

Day Seven:
047. Be able to incline bench press 30lbs

went to the gym yesterday, incline bench pressed 15 lbs. So I'm halfway there :)

And yesterday I cooked lasagna for MAL, and TME and I made cookies and scalloped potatoes today so I need to get a book to start doing this:
015. Start keeping a recipe book

I also know how to make breaded coconut chicken with homemade honey teriyaki sauce :)
mmm food

Day Five:
Didn't do much today but
091. Dance more

Went to an african dance class tonight with my mother:
African dance is a celebration of life, dating back thousands of years, mimicking everyday actions like fetching water and sowing seeds.

We did a seed sowing dance today
No pics today but the drums are banging in my head

Day Four:
014. Learn Sign Language
Signing for KIDS haha, dug this book out of my bookshelf.
My plan is to learn important phrases first and have at least on day a week where I practice them in front of the mirror or something.
I have no real reason for wanting to learn sign language but you never know and its something I was always interested in when I was kid. It could come in use one day :)

This one will be a work in progress for a LONG time, considered completed: when I know 75%-100% of the signs in that book

Today is my mom's birthday! But I didn't make her a homemade gift because I had bought her something like a month ago, so it doesn't count! :) I'm going to go practice signing the happy birthday song so I can sign it to her.
We are going to see Milk tonight, then go to the Indian restaurant, coconut soup mmmmm yum!
056. Wear lipstick at least once a week (1/143)
My new coral lipstick busted out for the movies tonight (which was good/sad btw)
funny thing wearing lipstick to the movies, no one can see you

Day Three:
013. Have an organized daily planner
027. Buy a new sketchbook and use it for more than scribbles
I went to Barnes and Nobles today with my father and picked up both a planner and a sketchbook, so I would say that both of these are in progress. As filler I will most likely post images of the inside of both just to prove that they are organized/not scribbles :)
So I bought a moleskin for both, though I bought an unlined one for my planner I plan on using it in a organized fashion.
Its a set of three dealy so if I lose one or want to keep one in my room and one in my bag then I'm good to go!

Day Two:

I'm actually working on something right now
023. Handmade gifts from now on out only.

I'm making a late christmas present for NEB. I finished half of it check it out!
Please excuse the poor quality photobooth pictures, I left my digital camera at school
I have to think of something else to make too. I'm thinking of some sort of fancy shirt.

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